Mechanical weed harvesters are effective at clearing aquatic weeds and nuisance vegetation without the introduction of harmful chemicals into the environment. The alternative to mechanical weed harvesting is the use of herbicides, which can result in unwanted adverse impacts on the environment.
Mechanical weed harvesting involves the use of specialized hybrid vessels that utilize boom cutters, front-end loaders, skimmers, and marine buckets to cut the surface plant materials that feed the underwater vegetation. Removal of the plant materials prevents the build-up of muck and sediment that occur along the bottom of the waterway.
Mechanical weed harvesters are uniquely designed for maximum access and efficiency, and are also utilized for litter control in most waterways.
Our services include, but are not limited to the following:
- Aquatic Weed Cutting & Removal.
- Underwater Weed Cutting.
- Canal Cleaning.
- Retention Pond Cleaning.
- Litter Control.
- Shoreline Vegetation Removal.